ICT in Inclusive Education

Summary Purpose Objectives Summary Nowadays, it is widely accepted that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is used in every step of education. Educators and students face a great challenge and have to cover a distance that separates the knowledge and skills given by schools, today, from the knowledge and skills necessary for the future of the citizens of the emerging knowledge society.Moreover, ICT under pedagogical conditions can be one of the most important tools for educators and students to develop cognitive, social and technological skills in order to…

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Inclusive Education for All

"The approach of differentiated teaching with the adoption of innovative methods and new technologies." Summary Purpose Objectives Summary Inclusive education is a modern educational approach whose main objective is to ensure equal access for all pupils to the educational good and to overcome the structural obstacles and stereotypes of the system that make it unable to respond to the heterogeneity of the needs of the students. Inclusive education values diversity and the unique contributions each student brings to the classroom. In a truly inclusive setting, every child feels…

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Prevention of Violence and Child Abuse

Summary Objectives Summary In an everyday changing environment, it is vital for schools to be able to identifyviolent behavior among studentsin a prior stage in order to implementprevention strategies that affecttheentire community. Teachersare often in a stickyposition when it comes to school violence, a fact that puts them at risk for much of the same abuse as children in their schools,but also assigns them the role of protector for a good part of each day. While school violenceis everyone’s problem, teachers are in a valuable position when it…

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Reducing Early School Leaving – Treatment and Prevention of Dropouts

Summary Objectives Summary Every year in Europe thousands of young people, leave school within their attendance without completing education initiated; a fact that leads to the consequence that there is no possibility of training, employment outlook and often leads to deadlock professional and social exclusion.In this course, we will initially highlight the role of the school in the treatment and prevention of dropouts and the contribution of school not only in learning, but also to the positive development and promotion of mental health of students. We will present…

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Intercultural Education

"Psychological-social adjustment and learning of students of various national and cultural groups." Summary Purpose Objectives Summary In order to address the problems encountered in recent decadesafter the influxof immigrants in educational contexts in Europe and the US, experimental education models were elaborated and applied in order to smooth integration and psychological-social adjustment and learning of students of various nationaland cultural groupsin the education systems of countries hostingmigrants. The variousforms of educational approaches are known with differentdefinitions such as multicultural, intercultural or antiracist education, education for diversity and citizenship,…

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Without Borders: Intercultural Education through Innovative tools and ICT

Summary Purpose Objectives Summary Migration is a multidimensional and multilevel phenomenon. Its complexity is due to the fact that it is associated with human evolution and it concerns many areas, such as economic policy and culture, but also psychology and sociology. The intercultural approachto a group of learners is expressed through a process where the emphasis is on getting to know and interact with the different cultures that make up a society.Cultural diversity is undoubtedly reflected in the public school. The classroom environment itself, when judged to be…

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Preventing Cyber-Bullying In Schools

Summary Purpose Objectives Summary The behavior of young people on the Internetis simply an extension and reflection of the attitudes and forms of discrimination adults models on a regularbasis in the physical world.Online activities that support communications for interpersonal, recreation, commercial, education, and government purposes have enabled variations of so-called Internet culture to emerge throughout the amorphous realm of cyberspace where youth and adults interact in ways that extend their activities, experiences, and associations. They do so in largely unmonitored, unregulated, and unsanctioned ways. What a person would…

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Inclusive Education through Arts

Summary Objectives Summary “Creativity concerns what we do with our abilities”,David. N.  Perkins, “The Mind’s best work”,1942Different people learn in different ways. Each of us develops his or her learning style, capacities, preferences, and limitations. Some prefer to start with practical action and then reflect on what does or does not work, others prefer to have the theoretical explanation first. It’s important to learn how to combine positive sides of different personal styles and different methodological approaches to reach as many people as possible. We learn from our…

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Child Sexual Abuse

"Protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse." Summary Objectives Summary In order to disseminate and reinforce the implementation of the Council of Europe Treaty (Lanzarote Convention) for the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, the Council of Europe warns that “One in five children” will fall victim of sexual violence!For the prevention of a particularly heinous phenomenon that has long-term consequences, which affect many aspects of the child’s life and psychosocial status, schools should develop a systematic approach that includes action at multiple…

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Social Skills in the Diversity era – Cultivating social skills, diversity and participation in the classroom

Summary Objectives Summary Educators are often called to handle different challenges working with different types of learners. Some of them can easily build their social relationships; others are very introvert, competitive or even aggressive. Some have self-control and some others may have difficulties regulating their emotions. Some tend to be leaders, while others hesitate to express their opinion. Different aspects influence social development. According to experts, social development correlates with the child’s and adolescent’s environment. Psychologists and social scientists underline that social skills can, and should, be taught.…

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